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In Analysis, revue transdisciplinaire de psychanalyse et sciences, is a journal published by Elsevier Science and indexed by the following databases:

Our articles are accessible on the Elsevier, ScienceDirect, EM Consulte platforms, and in print by subscription. It is also possible to access all of our content by logging into your university/high school library. The articles initiating debates are freely accessible (see below).

In Analysis contributes to the scientific dialogue in psychology by publishing articles of clinical and academic scope related to the psychoanalytic field. In order to validate, deepen, and question the current state of research, we prioritize theoretical triangulation and alternative perspectives provided by a wide range of disciplines such as cognitive and experimental psychology, medicine, biology, neuroscience, humanities and social sciences, critical studies, etc.

More about the Editorial Line.

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The articles that initiate our debates are freely accessible. If you wish to participate in the discussions we have initiated, which are certainly not yet concluded, the 'Après-coup' section publishes comments and questions raised by our work.

On this page, you will find the PDFs of the articles available for free access.


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You can consult the pre-published articles on the ScienceDirect platform of Elsevier publisher.





In Analysis provides a unique venue for the advancement of science in psychoanalysis and contemporary psychodynamic approaches, and in the spirit of cross-fertilization, for the advancement of different scientific domains through contributions of psychoanalysis.

Pr Martin Debbané, University of Geneva

In Analysis is the place for a theoretical, critical and scientific debate that we really need in the French speaking scientific community as well as across clinical practitioners. It is a most welcome project in the field of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and humanities providing a cutting-edge and transdisciplinary approach to rethink our theories and methodologies.

Pr Denise Medico, Université du Québec à Montréal

The ambition of In Analysis to bring science and psychoanalysis in closer connection can be seen in its output to date in promoting the importance of empiricism as well as the more speculative and philosophical sciences as foundational to its psychoanalytic research and productivity. Its aim of making the unconscious relevant to contemporary science and to the contemporary world is not only rooted in the passion of discovery, so often attributed to scientists, but to in studies of human subjectivity.

Eve Watson, Senior Lecturer, Hibernia College Dublin




Our State of Research section publishes short presentations of various academic work (masters, doctorates, research in progress).

Please contact the team and/or consult our Instructions to authors if you intend to publish, in a concise format, the results of your research.


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Consult the argument
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Consult the argument
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Consult the argument
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Among the many authors published by [IN ANALYSIS], let us note (with the inherent unfairness of the exercise):

Jerome C. Wakefield (Professor, New York University), Catherine Malabou (Professor, Kingstone University), Daniel Andler (Professeur émérite, Université Paris Sorbonne), David Colon (enseignant, Sciences Po, Paris), Joseph Dodds (senior lecturer, Anglo-American University, University of New York, Prague), Tim Ingold (British anthropologist, and Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen), Fabrice Bourlez (enseignant, l'Ecole supérieure d'art et de design de Reims; chargé de cours à Sciences Po, Paris), Denise Medico (Professeure, Université de Québec à Montréal), Ariane Bazan (Professeure, Université de Lorraine), Laurie Laufer (Professeure, Université Paris 7), Bernard Golse (Professeur émérite, Université Paris Descartes), Sylvain Missonnier (Professeur, Université Paris-Cité), Didier Houzel (Professeur, Université de Caen), Bruno Falissard (Professeur, Université Paris-Sud), Jacob Johanssen (Associate Professor, St Mary's University), Yves Sarfati (Professeur, INSERM), Jean-Marc Talpin (Professeur, Université de Lyon), Patricia Mercader (Professeure, Université de Lyon), Alberto Ciccone (Professeur, Université de Lyon), Vincent di Rocco (Professeur, Université de Lyon), Gérard Pirlot (Professeur émérite, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès), François Laplantine (Professeur émérite, Université de Lyon), Mark Solms (Professor, University of Cape Town), Anne Brun (Professeure, Université de Lyon), Yves Agid (Professeur, Collège de France), Nicolas Georgieff (Professeur, Université de Lyon), Francis Eustache (Professeur, Université Caen-Normandie, INSERM), Bernard Laurent (Professeur, Université de Lyon), David Le Breton (Professeur, Université de Strasbourg)...

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